This Travertine stone floor had been installed in a property in Feltham eight years ago and hadn’t been professionally cleaned since. The appearance of the stone had slowly degraded during that time with dirt and stains building up in the pores of the stone and especially the grout which had darkened. My client had found it impossible to get it clean and restore the nice original finish. They had tried multiply household cleaners and had finally given in and contacted Tile Doctor.

Travertine Tiled Kitchen Floor Before Cleaning Feltham Travertine Tiled Kitchen Floor Before Cleaning Feltham

I visited the property and after surveying the tile and grout formulated a plan for its recovery. It was clear to me that the sealer that would protect the stone had long since worn off and now dirt was filling the pores making it impossible to clean. Without the use of some specialist products and equipment they were never going to be able to improve that on their own.

Travertine Tiled Kitchen Floor Before Cleaning Feltham

I discussed with them the process for deep cleaning and renovating the floor and they agreed to go ahead with my quote. We agreed a date for my return to do the work which would take a couple of days.

Deep Cleaning a Travertine Tiled Kitchen Floor and Grout

I returned the following month and started work by taping up the wooden skirting boards, kitchen plinths and architrave to protect them from splashing during cleaning. To deep clean the stone and grout I set about applying a combination of Tile Doctor Remove and Go and Tile Doctor Pro-Clean diluted with water to break up the soils and greases from the kitchen floor. This was left to soak in for ten minutes before being scrubbed in with a heavy-duty machine scrubber, alongside hand scrubbing the grout lines and deeper cracks.

After this, we low pressure washed and vacuumed the floor, flushing all the cleaning products and soils away. The process was repeated again to deal with a couple of areas that were particularly stubborn. Once this was complete the floor was left to dry out overnight, so it would be ready to receive a sealer the following day.

Sealing a Travertine Tiled Kitchen Floor

The next morning I checked the floor for moisture using a damp meter and confirmed the tile and grout had dried out and was now ready for sealing. For this I applied two coats of Tile Doctor Colour Grow sealer allowing time to dry between each coat. Colour Grow is a versatile impregnating sealer that soaks into the pores protecting the stone and grout from within, its colour enhancing formula also helps to bring out the Brown shades in Travertine to improve the overall appearance. Additionally, this sealer leaves a matt finish rather than anything too shiny which the client was keen to avoid.

Travertine Tiled Kitchen Floor After Cleaning Sealing Feltham

Once complete the floor looked clean and the different shades of Travertine tile really contrasted well together. My client had forgotten how beautiful their stone tiles are and were very happy with its improvement. The new sealer will provide a durable barrier from soils and spillages in the future allowing the floor to maintain its appearance for many years to come.

Travertine Tiled Kitchen Floor After Cleaning Sealing Feltham

For ongoing maintenance, I recommended the use of Tile Doctor Stone Soap, this product is pH neutral and is suitable for sealed stone floors. Its effective yet mild enough to use daily if needed and goes a long way once diluted. You must be careful when selected a cleaning product for a sealed floor as many stronger products you find in supermarkets can degrade the sealer prematurely.


Source: Travertine Kitchen Floor Tile Cleaning and Sealing Service in Feltham Middlesex